
Theresa from OtsuTree sent over an inspiring link to her work this weekend and I’ve been running numbers through my head all day long!

Let’s see… One. For Ken, my one and only (cue the awwww’s now!).

Eight. For the eight Reese eggs I consumed today. Don’t tell aforementioned ‘the one’; he’ll be quite disappointed in my limited self control abilities.

Six. For the six freckles on my right arm. They’re so so cute!

Three. For my three favorite pairs of boots that I could wear in rotation the ENTIRE winter long (IF I wanted to!).

Thanks, Otsutree! For LOTS more numbers and some other cool works— visit Otsutree right here.

  • Cute!! Now I have a craving for Reese’s eggs!! And I’m totally with you on the three pairs of boots… I live in them most of the time! I’ll check out her site!

  • Thanks! I am adding your blog to my bookmark of Design blogs. I am still tweaking the layout and want to make a better header but I’m not sure how to go about it. I like yours. How did you create that? Also, Your Etsy stuff is very charming.

  • I love these! They are so pretty and have lots of texture…which I adore!

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