this week in inspiration: 4/21 to 4/25.

10. Denver gets a little bit cooler with the new addition of Skinny Squirrel Gallery. Invitation here.
9. Project Earth Day with Loup Charmant a TOTAL success. Congrats, NY!
8. For thirty-six weeks, a sketchbook was sent in random order between four artists: two in Brooklyn, two in Bellfast. The rest? History.
7. A local community kitchen changes the face of the traditional dining experience— and does it well.
6. Manuel Reader. Enough said.
5. Rodney Graham gets an imagination.
4. Can a memory be copyrighted? Perhaps.
3. Consumerism and advertising lead to the finest of art.
2. A facelift for BLESS.
1. Uqbar Foundation seeks to explain the inevitable: What is the Good Life? Simply astounding.

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