10. Real Simple steps up to the plate, err, doormat, with a Design on a Dime charity event to benefit Housing Works. If you’re in NYC, you simply must attend. Details here. Thank you, Real Simple!
9. Sarajo tells us how we can help those left homeless from the Burma tragedy.
8. Finally, someone finds a way to make Craig’s List funny again. Brian Ponto has created UnpaidGig in honor of the fabulous “no budget” clients that we all love so much.
7. Steven Hull brings us one of the most interesting projects I’ve seen in a long time: examining the relation between illustrative art and personality. Eek! I love. Visit Abovo Project right here.
6. If Dwell married Metropolis and had an affair with Wallpaper, I think the kid would look something like this newbie: LoftLifeMag.
5. It’s Can Can time!
4. Writer Christy Moss is looking for young, twenty-something philanthropic couples for a profile piece. Email myself or Christy directly for more information! Please use subject header “PHILANTHROPY PROFILE”.
3. Forget pink. Blue is the new black.
2. Photographer Chris Jordan accepts social responsibility for consumerism in today’s youth with his groundbreaking DVD: Intolerable Beauty. Simply breathtaking. Chris: I commend you.
1. Reader Ana is giving back this May: half of the proceeds from her Etsy shop will go to a cause that is very close to her heart: Passa a Palavra (Spread the Word), dedicated to informing Portugal’s female youth of a vaccine that could save them from a deadly uterus cancer. If you shop handmade this month, please shop through Ana’s site. Her Faceless portraits are so striking.
this week in inspiration: 05.05.08 to 05.09.08.

thanks for another awesome friday link-fest :)
The abovo project is really great.
OMG, that Brian Ponto blog is hysterical! I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been on both ends of that… working on low-budget non-profit projects, AND being asked myself to work for free or next to nothing. It ain’t easy!
ha—- me too, Heidi! :)
and Krissy— no problem. it’s my fave, too! :)
This is incredible! I hardly know where to start. I think this will be taking up most of my Saturday morning!
Heaps of thanks!
hola erin.. ok.. so the sofa is at http://cgi.ebay.com/Mid-Century-Danish-Modern-Teak-Sofa-Daybed-Eames-Era_W0QQitemZ170217698260QQihZ007QQcategoryZ156315QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
not too sureof the details on it but it is nice…
i am a couple posts away from being out of storage on blogger.. crazy right? haha.. what should i do?
AHH, any time Julia. And DDS— you’re kidding? Out of storage? How is that possible? :)
lalalalalalalala…links and links and more lovely links!