10. We love Amy. We love Dawanda. Amy loves these Dawanda picks. Love all around!
9. “Poverty can inspire creativity.” Amen, sister!
8. I’d wallpaper my room with these design stars, but a different sort of Wallpaper got to them first.
7. Charmed, I’m sure.
6. Jeremy invites you to come up to his room.
5. Kareem re-opened his suitcase, just for us.
4. Treetings, 2009.
3. New mom Brooke is offering a free download EVERY DAY of 2009. Eek!
2. Your smitten. I’m smitten. Little Paper Planes is smitten.
1. Meighan e-introduced me to Kristin this week, and uh-oh. I’ve fallen.
this week in inspiration.

I’m loving Kristin Cammermeyer’s work! So beautiful and expressive!
#8–there’s new smeg fabulousness! just when i thought i had it all…
Love this. #9 is my fave.
Oh yes— I do love that 8 and 9! :)
And Danz— I’m so lucky meighan e-introduced me to her! She’s amazing!