chairs galore.

I’ve had this image bookmarked for oh, I don’t know… months, and I keep coming back to it for office inspiration. I love it for so many reasons (it’s busy, yet serene), but I’m most in love with the fact that there are at least 7 (count ’em, 7!) different chairs in one room.

I’ve always been mildly obsessed with chairs, scooping them up from junkyard alleys for future projects (that somehow, I never get to!) and am surprised to see that the variety of chairs here fit so well together. It’s as if they’ve all come from very different backgrounds, but still manage to join each other daily for a quick mid-day spritzer in the library.

Inspiration, indeed.


  • I love the Egg chair, but I think my favorite part of the room is the giant ball of yarn in the corner. It could be a good way to use up all the leftovers from different knitting projects!

  • Plenty of opportunities to sit! I love the lumpy foot rest under the table. That’s a requirement for my desk area. I could see myself in this room, pretty much in every seat.

    I’m a ‘good-intentions’ chair saver, too. One time I forced my husband to cross town in a borrowed pick-up, in the pouring rain, to save a dilapidated church pew. Sadly, it sat in my garage for 8 months before I got around to realizing it was unsalvageable. Not sure I’ll ever live it down.

    Thanks for a lovely break from my daily grind!

  • I love the ball of yarn hiding in the left hand corner, too! it was the first thing I spied in the photo!

  • you’re right — that yarn is amazing! didn’t even notice it b/c i was busy counting the chairs. :)

    and ha, katrina. i think it’s just a dress form w/a head! :)

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