bookmark it.

Happy Friday! I’m road tripping for a work event this weekend; here’s hoping for some good radio tunes and convos along the way. For now, enjoy this week’s submissions and finds from around the web!: 1. The best Internet fundraiser this month. 2. Excited for these modern bike helmets to be available soon! 3. Love

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mini links.

Happy Friday, dears! It’s quiet here today, as I’m writing another weekly letter to Bee during her oh-so-short morning nap. Tomorrow we’re headed to a fun Graco event, so I’ll be packing up the family for a fall road trip (eek!). Road trip tips appreciated, as yesterday’s experience wasn’t quite the home run I’d hoped

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organize it.

One of these days, I’m going to arrange every item I own by color. Or maybe half of them. One third? Until then, I’m mentally filing away Kontor Kontor’s work into the love affair portion of my brain. And although my brain isn’t nearly as organized as these gorgeous collections, chances are I’ll remember this.

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future artists.

Artist Malin Gabriella Nordin recently invited 11 kids to his studio to re-interpret his existing sculptures into drawings, soon to be published into a book. One kid even rearranged the sculptures to his own liking! Love this. LINK: MALIN GABRIELLA photos via emilia bergmark

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bowling over.

Oh, this painted bowling set is just the cutest thing that’s come across my desk today. And how easy would it be to create yourself? With a bit of paint (and a bit of a mess, likely!), it’s totally DIY-able. Sidenote: Bowling is one of my favorite things to watch kids do. Their cute little

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rock faces.

Laurent creates mineral portraits of men in his “Lovestoned” series. And yep, you can order your own. I know roughly 5,143 women who would love to stone their past loves, right? Such a surprisingly beautiful series. LINK: LAURENT CHAMPOUSSIN

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