Happy Weekend!

We’re unplugging this holiday weekend for a family reunion filled with potato chips and pool noodles. What’s on your agenda? Wherever you find yourself, enjoy a happy 4th with the ones you love. See you next week!

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A Virtual Baby Shower

I love the idea of throwing a virtual baby shower for expectant mamas. The Internet just has this way of allowing us to foster deep connections within any zip code range, and really, what better way to celebrate those relationships than welcoming their kin? Anyway, my beautiful e-friend Katie (and founder of Puj!) is expecting

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For Love Of Stripes

Good morning, friends! I’m popping in quickly to share that Swedish-based clothing mecca Polarn O. Pyret (one of my sweet site supporters) is hosting their Best Basics Event again this year! I don’t usually post about sales, but I shopped this one to stock up for onesies for Bee when I was still pregnant this

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mini links.

Happy Friday! Here’s hoping you’re soaking up this last weekend before the holidays arrive – Ken and I plan to squeeze in a few more Christmas movies while it’s still socially acceptable! See you back here Monday, and enjoy a few links I found (and a few I wrote) from around the web this week!:

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mini links.

Happy Friday! I’m gearing up for a busy weekend and a last minute work trip to Seattle on Monday (it’s the first time I’ll be away from Bee overnight – send cookies?), so I’ve got loads on my to do list. Here’s hoping you find a few moments of peace and quiet to catch the

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mini links.

Happy Friday, friends! We’re heading to a belated Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow (it’s never to late to say thanks, yes?) and are finally putting up our Christmas tree afterwards. Cannot WAIT. Hope you have some fun plans your way, and as usual, links to enjoy are below!: 1. Do or Don’t: Wish List for Babies? 2.

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mini links.

Happy weekend, mamas! Anything fun planned your way? I’m resting up for a road trip to visit my family for the holidays next week, so you can find me and Bee on the sofa eating takeout (me, not Bee) ALL WEEKEND LONG. Cheers for raising lazy babies! Here are a few great links (including my work)

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mini links.

Happy Friday, guys! Ken and I are headed to a soiree tonight and I’m feeling super socially rusty – we haven’t been around many grown-ups lately! (I’m secretly crazy excited to wear something non nursing-friendly! Eek!) Hope you have something festive planned where you are, and here are some fun links to take you through

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