The Story of Design

London-based photographer Sandy Suffield takes photos of people and the objects they hold dearest. Stuffed animals, smuggled silver, decade-old birthday party decorations: the list goes on. It began as a side project, as most creative outlets often do, and has since grown into a fascinating visual anthology that shares 120 stories of memories, culture and the universal importance of family.

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A 100% Recyclable Chair For Kids

I often think about how I’ll discuss the idea of recycling with Bee when she grows old enough to learn the concept. Will she look around her room, confused by the lack of recyclable furniture that exists in our own home? I’m admittedly a bit of an ecological hypocrite (we don’t even have a compost!),

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Meet Simon Beck, The Worldwide Snow Artist

There’s a blizzard on its way throughout the states this weekend, sending us all into a flurry of frenzied grocery store runs, status updates and weather-related cancellations. Yet something tells me that Simon Beck, the world’s most famous snow artist, isn’t complaining. Instead, he’s merely lacing up his snowshoes for an afternoon of “sketching” another great masterpiece into the snow-capped landscapes of France.

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The Newest Multi-tasking Blanket

There’s an old English proverb that states “Necessity is the mother of invention.” And in today’s age where it’s never been easier to dream, invent and do, there’s another “mother of invention”: mothers themselves. Take architect Michaela Weiss Kirchner Barfod of Denmark’s newest kid-driven company, Fabelab. Barfod created her company during her baby’s nap times

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Why Design Matters

Design exists to assign meanings, create associations and support intentions. Yet it stops there; the next step is ours. Design can support our intentions, but it cannot choose them.

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Do This: Throw a Resource Party

I’ve been a connector for as long as I can remember. Perhaps it stems from being naturally curious about people, but I find it hard to sit next to someone in the dentist’s office and not ask them about their life story so I can mentally sift through my internal rolodex for someone else to

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thought confetti.

Headed to a dinner party tonight? Before you sprinkle the salt on your potatoes, share a bit of thought confetti with those around you: Think You’re Busy? Johann Sebastian Bach Had 20 Kids “But as soon as you’re not in a crisis, all the rest of the world floods into your psyche. Now you’re worried

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