You know me. I cannot just share a recipe and leave it at that. Because these pickles, you should know, are incredible, yes. But what is even more so incredible is that, on a Friday afternoon, I became a new version of myself: I became one who pickles. I am officially a pickler! What? I
July Reads
Whether you’re donning sun-screened shoulders at the lake or swapping ice cream sandwiches at the family reunion, there are, like, nine million really good books to read between cannonballs and sparklers. Here are the current favorites I’ve loved so far this summer: 1. Everything You Ever Wanted / Jillian Lauren Hands down, my favorite read
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Style + Beauty
One needs only to burn their bicep with a curling iron to begin thinking of vanity. It was Sunday. I want to write that I was rushed, that the burn was a byproduct of a frenzied morning and a failed attempt in multi-tasking, but the truth is that my mind was elsewhere and my reflexes
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Home + Rest
A Cook-In
When half of the town is out of power, when trees have landed on sidewalks, when another storm threatens the evening, it only makes sense to throw a cook-in: 1. Gather ribs, burgers, hot dogs from the fridge and freezer. They will go bad, you cannot eat them all, and so, a text chain is
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Home + Rest
We rise early and squeeze ourselves into a day packed for adventures: play dates in the backyard painting rocks, a turkey lunch on the patio, hunting for fresh mint at the farmer’s market, swimming late into the afternoon. It is humid; the perfect weather for memory keeping. Everything sticks. We pause often to search for
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Marriage + Friendships
It’s just that love, I think, is magic, and work. Madeleine L’Engle once wrote about the great gift of love, the great cosmic pairing of two, and she said this: “It’s a strange thing, how you can love somebody, how you can be all eaten up inside with needing them–and they simply don’t need you.
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Ideals + Musings
Well, really, love is little more than a man bringing a pillow out to his wife on the hammock. But of course that’s not true. It is a man knowing his wife, noticing that it’s sunny, that the toddler is down for her nap, that she can certainly be found reading, swaying just outside the
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A Secret
Well, hey. We know each other but we don’t really know each other, so let’s get down to it, yes? Yesterday, it was realized that I am passive aggressive. It was also realized that this is quite common in women, as we’ve been raised to assume a certain posture, a certain persona, a certain portrait