I’m writing this with a packed suitcase at my feet, ready to hit the open road (Tarmac) for some adventure (business trips). Tomorrow morning, we’re headed to our old Los Angeles stomping grounds for a few media events mixed with some serious R&R. It’s the Entrepreneur Smoothie – the beautiful concoction of blending a work
The Art of Curiosity
I love when grown-up objects are inspired by kids. How could our lives not be inspired by these tiny creatures, begging us to slow down and look deeper and play longer? Such is the case with Ingrid Hulskamp’s latest collection: “En Voyage.”
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Happy Halloween!
Ken and I threw an impromptu fire pit party for Clementine Daily last week, and my gracious was it the perfect way to celebrate the warmth and beauty of fall. For me, the best parties are the last-minute, fuss-free ones where the food is cheap and the laughter is loud. No garlands, no place settings,
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the diving bell
Senan Lee and Pansy Aung were just two London artists having a fleeting conversation about work/life balance when, as it all too often does, inspiration struck. “We decided to visualize our feelings about the life of being creatives in a physical sculpture,” Pansy writes. And so, The Diving Bell was born.
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My parents were both school teachers, so we had no shortage of educational toys scattered about our home on any given day. One of my favorites were Tangrams – I fondly remember an entire summer dedicated to creating different animals from the colored triangles at my disposal. Now, a short 25-something years later, I still
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Happy Accidents
Surely you’ve heard of Shabd, the mastermind behind today’s tie-dye revolution? Shabd Simon-Alexander is an internationally renowned textile artist/designer with a popular claim to fame: she taught Martha Stewart herself how to tie-dye! (And really, what else would you need on a resume?) Earlier this summer, Shabd and I chatted a bit about her career
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The Running Wheel
A wheel on a stick? Could it really hold a child’s attention for more than a few minutes? Polish product designer Grzegorz Cholewiak and German artist Lena Hensel answer with a resounding yes in their newest invention for the littles: Toll’s Toy.
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Travel + Adventure
Fall Goal #2: To Rejuvenate
A few weeks ago, I shared my first of two goals for fall and am happy to report that progress has been made. Last night, I fell asleep at 9:40pm, which is something of a record around here. (Of course, this girl woke us up at 5am, but hey – external forces beyond my control