I’ve been helping a few friends design nurseries and big kid bedrooms for the littles in their lives, and my goodness – is there anything sweeter than seeing tiny eyes light up in a space that reflects their truest passions and interests? I thought it might be fun to share a few of the designs here in case you’re looking for virtual inspiration for your own kid’s space – and please let me know if you’re stumped with a particular theme in your own home. I’m a big believer that it’s always possible to create a space your kid loves without compromising style!
I’m continually inspired by those who color outside the lines, play without rules and run without boundaries. Perhaps it stems from my own insecurities, this lust for an adventuresome spirit. As anyone who knows me will attest, I’m a fairly predictable (rigid?) gal. I eat the same breakfast daily, follow the same deadlines weekly, arrange my desk in precisely the same fashion each afternoon. I’m a lover of structure, and often have to continually remind myself that the unknown is good. Great, even. And if this is my lesson of the moment, Isabel Berglund is my willing teacher.
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For Love Of Stripes
Good morning, friends! I’m popping in quickly to share that Swedish-based clothing mecca Polarn O. Pyret (one of my sweet site supporters) is hosting their Best Basics Event again this year! I don’t usually post about sales, but I shopped this one to stock up for onesies for Bee when I was still pregnant this
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Gender-Neutral Kids Clothing
My friends and family always joke that Bee is very, very rarely seen crawling around the house in anything but a onesie/pj combo situation. It’s not that she doesn’t have a closet full of frilly dresses and lace (oh does she ever), but outfitting her in daily ruffles has just always felt a bit odd.
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The Rucksack Journey
I love a website with such a true-to-the-core mission that it’s woven throughout every click, hover and scroll of the mouse. It’s almost as if the seed’s living fiber – the tiniest evidence of its belief – is forming the very HTML code we’re reading, ready to burst forth and take root in our own minds and souls and hearts. For me, the authenticity behind a site called This is Paper grows daily, planting a new-found purpose with its most recent addition: a shop.
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I have a love/hate relationship with confetti. Sure, it’s beautiful in the moment – a dazzling display of color and whimsy – but then there’s clean-up. And more clean-up. And still more clean-up, months later when you find bits of hued paper remnants stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Enter Throw & Grow confetti,
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Beliefs & Imagination
Of the many creative disciplines that exist, the conceptual fashion designer is perhaps one that intrigues me most. After all, many are gifted, skilled creatives who could easily climb the ranks from intern to assistant to in-house designer and beyond. Yet instead, the conceptual fashion designer believes that a fashion collection is an art form
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apparel & accessories
A Gift For The Heroes
My nephew is in the midst of a hardcore, no-holds-barred superhero phase, and what self-respecting aunt could possibly turn down the opportunity to assist him in saving the world? And even though I don’t intend to throw a punch or perfect my roundhouse kick, I can at least dress him for the job, right?