On Intention

Whenever I’m interviewing an artist or designer about their work, I always make sure to hit the usual suspects: “Where do you find your inspiration?” or “What’s a typical day like for you?” or – perhaps the most telling of all – “Peanut butter or jelly?” Yet, by far, the prompt that elicits the most

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The Weight of Our Surroundings

Before Ken and I moved from Los Angeles, we vacationed up north with his parents to see the redwood forests – a memorable vacation that would be our last with my father-in-law, “Papa Bill”, who passed away a few short years later. Bill loved trees – a hobby he’d passed down to Ken – and

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The Story of Design

London-based photographer Sandy Suffield takes photos of people and the objects they hold dearest. Stuffed animals, smuggled silver, decade-old birthday party decorations: the list goes on. It began as a side project, as most creative outlets often do, and has since grown into a fascinating visual anthology that shares 120 stories of memories, culture and the universal importance of family.

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Why Design Matters

Design exists to assign meanings, create associations and support intentions. Yet it stops there; the next step is ours. Design can support our intentions, but it cannot choose them.

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Are Paper Dolls The Next Big Trend? (and Why It Matters)

Although the earliest known paper dolls originated in Europe in the 1700s (and were created to entertain adults, no less), it wasn’t until the 1930s that “The Golden Age of Paper Dolls” gained steam. Yet with the introduction of Barbie‘s 3D (or should I write 3DD?) dolls in 1959, the pastime slowly faded from the

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edible crayons for tasting and art-ing.

We’ve seen fruit-shaped crayons, but what about fruit-tasting crayons? Luxirare blogger Ji Kim has boggled the minds of every DIY-loving mom, creating a series of food bars to be molded and formed in the shape of crayons. The kicker is – they actually draw…

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a stitchable, glow-in-the-dark calendar.

Tween boys are crazy hard to shop for, yes? They’re not quite in the throes of the “I’m too good for a gift” stage, but they’re really good at hiding their excitement for absolutely anything that exists. Enter “Stitch the Stars” calendar kit from artist Heather Lins ($24). With glow-in-the-dark embroidery floss (which is OMG the

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the 5-minute mobile.

I all too often have grand intentions of being a crafty mother, but rarely do I make time for fun projects and artsy creations. (Bee doesn’t quite understand the magic of glitter yet, sadly.) Except for when said projects take less than 5 minutes. Surely anyone can carve out 5 minutes, right? If you’ve got

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