trend time: porcelain.

Guess what these things all have in common? Yep, they’re a porcelain take on everyday items. Not necessarily new, but a trend that’s definitely going strong… …and of course, we can’t forget Xue Lei’s porcelain soda cans! [image credits in top photo: pop deluxe, kaboodle, chocosho] [image credits in middle photo: decuisine, far 4, panik

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kate neckel draws on the walls of ace hotel.

My dear friend Kate Neckel emailed me yesterday to share her latest doodles  — on the wall of room 1208 at Ace Hotel New York, no less. She writes: While creating this world on the wall, Ace guests and friends and staff dropped in to tell me about their fave Ace things. It was perfect

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Kate MacDowell

Kate MacDowell creates the most stunning sculptures with porcelain, discovering that the “romantic ideal of union with the natural world conflicts with our contemporary impact on the environment.” Also? I like to think there’s a koala directing my brain, too.

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chloe fleury’s san francisco treats.

Artist Chloe Fleury melds her love for paper and San Francisco into one bright and punchy project: The Place I Live. Each “poster” is made entirely of paper and represents her favorite things about the various areas of her hometown. Next on her list? NYC! [thanks, vidafine!]

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