Happy weekend, friends – here’s what landed in my inbox this weekend!: 1. Loving this perfectly versatile necklace from Wolf & Moon! 2. Denise Julia Reytan turns jewelry into art installations. Rad. 3. This wooden toothbrush holder ($45) is pricey, but oh so cute. 4. Big letters from Roll & Tumble Press – love the
seats and feets.
Knitting needles unite. LINKS: CLAIRE-ANNE O’BRIEN & MADE IN CHINA
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color of the week: lemon zest.
January can be so gray, so this week I’m brightening my outlook with cheery tones of lemony yellow!: 1. Beam Coffee Mug ($3) at CB2 2. Scottish Fine Soaps in Lemon (£5) at Topshop 3. Sloane Stationary Notebook (£33) at Austique 4. Stella McCartney Jacket ($1190) at Matches 5. Mammut Children’s Stool ($8) at IKEA
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Here’s a snippet of the awesome that’s been lying around my inbox all week!: 1. Body geometry makes for fascinating artwork. 2. I have an irrational want for this vintage trophy at Hunters Hunt ($15). 3. This multicolored little dress at Wonderhand is quite the statement, no? I love! ($169) 4. Congrats to Lindsay on
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for far-away family & friends.
Sweet (and easily shippable!) suggestions for your long distance loves who you’ll be thinking of this season: 1. Artichoke 20-inch floral wreath ($44) at Overstock.com 2. Mayan hot cocoa & hand-carved frother ($50) at GiftTree 3. Hot peach chutney ($7) at The Virginia Chutney Co. 4. Mini gold geode wooden ornament ($23) at Michelle Hartney
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for the tech nerd.
Gift ideas for the man in your life that alphabetically organizes his USB drives, accidentally types his emails in HTML and knows exactly how much REM he has on any given day: 1. Recycled motherboard pen ($5) at Perpetual Kid 2. Cardboard FM radio ($35) at Fred Flare 3. Icon watch ($75) at POKETO 4.
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for the babies.
Teeny presents for those chunky baby thighs you love to squeeze, smooch and stare at for hours on end: 1. Pinecone hat ($74) at Fine Little Day 2. Pull-along snail toy ($18) at Padilly 3. Mix and match socks ($10) at MoMA Store 4. Baby Einstein: Santa’s Music Box DVD ($35) at Amazon 5. Crocheted
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Happy Friday, friends! Here’s what’s been swimming in my inbox this week: 1. The ice finger of death? Oh, nature is rad. 2. Stone: A Legacy of Inspiration for Art is an insanely inspiring read. 3. The ‘I Will Survive’ planter. Genius. 4. I like so many things about Shauna Richardson’s crochetdermy, but most the