back in action.

Just popping in to say we’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, and I can’t thank you all enough for your kind words, stories, advice, gifts, emails and memories you’ve shared since Bee has arrived. A huge thanks to my amazing guest bloggers for allowing me to take some time off to get to

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my pregnancy story // birthing fears.

Deep breaths here, friends. I’ve got just a handful of days before Bee’s anticipated arrival, and it’s starting to get scary real! I’ve already written about how terrified I felt at 38 weeks, but I wanted to share my latest episode– the final chapter in my pregnancy story: Birthing Fears. (Click above to watch.)

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my pregnancy story // changing the birth plan.

At nearly 30 weeks, I changed my birth plan from a hospital delivery to a home birth. It was a decision I had never expected to make, but one that I am so crazy comfortable with after doing loads of research and finding a midwife that I trust 100%. I’ll be honest – changing your

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happy 4th!

I’m bowing out for the day to splash in a pool and relax a bit before baby Bee arrives in just a few short weeks! Happy 4th, everyone! (Flag garland above available at Land of Nod for $29!)

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my pregnancy story // baby registry tips.

Happy Friday, friends! For all of you mama-to-bes, my next Mom.Me video is all about baby registry tips (click above to watch the episode)! I’ve shared the bulk of my registry here, but be sure to tune in to hear some great advice from my friends at Cool Mom Picks and Unclutterer. Happy registering!

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my nursery // the big reveal.

I’m crazy excited to share the grand tour of the nursery today! For new readers and friends, my husband and I have been renovating a ranch in the midwest for a little over two years (you can follow the entire process on!), and the nursery used to be a spare room for ongoing projects,

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my pregnancy story // unnecessary diagnostic testing.

Just popping in tonight to share with you our latest episode in my pregnancy story: Unnecessary Diagnostic Testing. This one’s a touchy subject for many, and I’d love to have you folks weigh in. How did you all choose which tests to accept and which to decline? Here’s our story…

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my pregnancy story // the nursery!

Happy Friday, friends! I’m so crazy thrilled to share with you our little one’s nursery today! Check out the video tour on Mom.Me – it’s definitely the cheeriest room in our home, and I can’t help but pop in there daily to envision a sweet little girl growing, sleeping and playing in this space over

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