A Riot to Start

My friend Jess’ book came out today, and after dog-earing an early copy all summer long, I will start by saying this: Her’s is not just a book to read. It’s a ruckus to raise.

Through wild tales and wry admissions, Jess shakes us all from the stupor of living in a world orchestrated by corporate greed, tech-drive manipulation, and modern mayhem. Boldly, she takes us by the hand and leads us back to a life in which we’re squarely in the driver’s seat; a place where we can finally, ultimately begin to question the everyday influences we’ve bought into over time.

The result? A life where you can drown out the noise, rise above the smog, and run wildly toward what matters most.

To Buy: Raising Hell, Living Well ($28) by Jessica Elefante



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