Billboard Parenting

One of the more surprising byproducts of becoming a parent for me was the sudden introduction to a mild form of social isolation; the weird tension that existed when I chose a different route/method/strategy of parenting than my close circle of friends. It’s out of my wheelhouse; I have never typically rushed toward controversy or

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Slow & Steady

When The New York Times calls you to ask your opinion about blogging, you answer. You fight the sweaty palms, fearful that you’ll say the wrong thing or your words might be minced or your good intentions to be honest and truthful and mindful might be misconstrued. And then, you state your peace. I stated

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New-Fashioned Beauty

This morning, may we brush our teeth in gentleness, flossing with a taut line from Plato: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Rinse in confidence – swish – spit the doubts – splat – and watch them swirl into the sink. Let them go.

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Saving Face

In today’s digital world of selfies and Instagram and endless pings, it’s hard to envision anyone being nameless, faceless, anonymous –  living a life where they’re never really truly known. But we do. We are. After all, Hamlet perhaps said it best: “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.”

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