The Choice

Sometimes, our life circumstances don’t offer many choices. But this mothering gig? It’s littered with choices. And Mama, I think you’re making the right one.

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Zoo Daze

Summer is winding down, and I’m one of those crazy fools who starts mourning the loss of summer before it’s even passed. I can’t help it – my brain just trajects a million miles an hour, a racecar on the final lap. And yes, I do walk around with internal whiplash pretty much daily, you

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Picnic Fridays

Arrive at the dock, spread out snacks. Open a book and start reading to the toddler. Fight the disappointment you feel when she wriggles away. Let her run; today is a day to explore. Throw rocks, smell flowers, point at reflections in the water. Note the ripples. Again, again, again.

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On Dads and Daughters

Ken and Bee. My gracious, these two are total podmates. There’s so much I could say – so much I want to preserve about their relationship in these early, simple (but not easy) days. Our family is hovering in that space where toddler will and novice parenting collide, where we’re newly navigating the delicate balance

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clare torina.

OK if my family tree was this cool, I’d hang it over my mantle. Except I wouldn’t have a mantle b/c my maternal grandmother would have been a bear. Thus, I’d live in a cave. Or something. Link:  CLARE TORINA [thanks for the link, kat!]

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