Slow & Steady

When The New York Times calls you to ask your opinion about blogging, you answer. You fight the sweaty palms, fearful that you’ll say the wrong thing or your words might be minced or your good intentions to be honest and truthful and mindful might be misconstrued. And then, you state your peace. I stated

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Slowing Down (An Update)

I’ve been getting a few emails here and there asking how my “slower life” is treating me, and I realize I’ve never written a proper update on the so-called experiment. In a nutshell, the change has been amazing, and because there are so many thoughts swirling in my head, I’m going to just open the pantry and unload absolutely everything, all at once. This may or may not be legible.

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why i blog

I’ve been a blogger my entire adult life, publishing my first post in 2001 on an entirely different blog with an entirely different focus. Back then, blogs were called “web logs” or “online journals,” although I liked to call them “free therapy.” I fell in love with the platform instantly – the community it created,

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top 10 pregnancy apps.

Apps are becoming increasingly useful in my daily life (OK, and increasingly distracting, but that’s an entirely different post!), and today I wanted to share some fantastic apps that I’ve been relying on heavily throughout my pregnancy. From meal planning to meditation, there truly is a pregnancy app for everyone! Here are a few of

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things i’m afraid to tell you.

When Jess Constable hit “publish” on this post, I hope she was proud. The kind of proud that makes you feel you should put on your running shoes and flee for the mountains, much like a curtain-clothed Julie Andrews frolicking about. I hope she twirled that day, because she deserves to. And when Ez contacted

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