screen-printed leather.

Shauna sent over a link to her latest exhibition where she screen-printed awesomeness onto leather. Haven’t seen a lot of this technique so well executed, and I’m tumbling over with love for it. Yay, Shauna! Link:  SHAUNA MCGOWAN

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a craft wall.

Last week, my swell friend Ebony exhibited the sweetest craft wall in Sydney. Can you tell she’s a former VOGUE Living senior designer? Of course you can. Link:  HELLO SANDWICH

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the amber chair.

The Amber Chair is a chair dipped in amber-like polymer and then called art. Could you have guessed that on your own? Oh, I’m sorry. You smart, young things, you. Link:  JAEUK JUNG ps. Someday I’m going to dip myself im amber and call it art. Someday.

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