Dear Art, If you ever need a place to stay, my wall is vacant and I’ll put a mint on your pillow. LINK: KATE TUCKER
a gem console.
I don’t want to know how much this is, so don’t tell me. Deal? p.s. Those little lion head feet kill me! LINK: PEDRO SOUSA
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more rock art.
Not to be confused with “Art rocks more.” Or, well. You know. LINK: ASHLEA O’NEILL p.s. Want a round-up of rocks, stones and all things gem–esque? Of course you do!
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a shiny gem painting.
Agates are like nature’s baubles. And agate paintings are like my baubles. Does that mean I’m nature? Wait. No. Link: RUSSELL LENG p.s. This painting reminds me of this shiny gem made from wood. Pretty, yes?
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another gem painting.
The gem train is full speed ahead, friends! Link: RUSSELL LENG p.s. For more painted gems, indulge yourself here, here, here and here!
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a rock lamp.
OMG! It’s the 3D (and well-lit) version of this painting! Amazing. Link: MONDO CANE
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a painted gem.
You made that for me, Ross? Oh, you shouldn’t have. Link: ROSS WALKER
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trend time: rock out.
Agates, rocks and gems are springing up like… well, spring. In lighting (like these Brenda Houston lamps!), furnishings, fashion and art — agates are rockin’ a stylish future: -Agate Platters –Agate Sculpture –Agate Print –Agate Bookends –Agate Rings –Agate Vase –Agate Necklaces –Agate Lighting