guest post // melissa’s mom advice.

Hello DFMini! I’m Melissa Esplin from I Still Love You. I blog about everything I love including, but not limited to: calligraphy, sewing, home decor, DIYs and personal style. It feels like overnight I became a mother to two precious little kiddos. I’m not that old, I keep telling myself. Being a mother has pushed

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artful interiors.

I’m pleased to announce Design for Mankind’s newest Friday contributor: Laura Burkhart! She’ll be following M. Fay’s “Samesies” format, but rather than trend-spotting art & fashion, she’s melding art & interior design with her new column, “Artful Interiors!” Ahh, we have such a delightful team, don’t we? Welcome, Laura! LINKS: GREG KUCERA GALLERY & ELLE

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color mankind.

Look at things differently this weekend, OK? LINK:  PUFFED PEONIES on ETSY via okay great Color Mankind is a weekly guest series from Lauren Willhite.

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Monochromatic doesn’t have to mean boring. LINKS: LIYEN CHONG & TOTOKAELO Samesies is a weekly guest series from M. Fay.

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Shout it from the mountaintop, friends. LINKS:  LORRAINE RODRIGUEZ & KRISTINA DI ENES Two-Faced is a weekly guest series from Justina Blakeney.

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