a leather bow-a.

It’s official: this is the best necklace ever created. That’s it. I can officially stop blogging. (Kidding. I could never!) Link:  BAPTISTE VIRY

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an agate ring.

If I wasn’t already married (5 years! yay, Ken!), I’d seriously consider betrothing myself to the first person to gift me this ring.

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a vase for your finger.

File this under ‘total brilliance.’ Tithi created a set of vases where the “flower” is actually a ring and can be removed to wear. I am in LOVE. Link:  TITHI

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a wooden spool necklace.

Made from reclaimed goodies, this necklace is an attention hog if I’ve ever seen one. Which is perfect, because I have a thing for attention hogs. Link:  DO NOT TOUCH

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