chunky rings.

These could easily be the most stunning rings I’ve ever landed upon.They remind me a bit of sparkled Laffy Taffy. Remember that stuff? Man, Laffy Taffy is awesome. Purchase them at Triian for $150 – $250 (or for my birthday. You know, in like… three months). [thanks for the tip, joy!]

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a ring a day.

Colleen Baran is crafting a ring a day from everyday objects. A few of my favorites? Rubber bands, false eyelashes, chocolate and elastic.

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grau wal’s hair jewelry.

I’m admittedly a bit grossed out by this, but how gorgeous is this hair-raising jewelry from friends Eve Cahill and Anna Rybakov? Fascinating, nonetheless. And as a sidenote, I totally need to learn how to fishtail my hair.

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style pick.

Adi Zaffran created rings made from spent bullets at a firing range. Created to emphasize the beauty and aesthetics of the bullet when it is distanced from its surroundings, each bullet retains memories and traces from the journey it underwent — from the moment it was fired until it was picked up by Adi.

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