A Custom Christmas (Pt. 2)

When Bee was less than six months old and our first Christmas as a trio rolled around, Ken and I were so deep into the newborn fog it seemed impossible to lift our heads to the attic to bring down our hefty bin loaded with Christmas decor. And although tree decorating is one of my

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A Custom Christmas (Pt. 1)

I get it now, I do – this crazy Christmas hype. When I was a kid, Christmas was everything. It was snowflakes and carols, curled ribbons and gooey buckeyes. And then – somewhere along the way – I lost the spark. I fell victim to every plot in every holiday movie: Grown-up grows weary of

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Sundae Best

I haven’t shared product round-ups or design finds in what feels like years, but I had to take pause and celebrate my dear e-friend Joy‘s newest collection for Land of Nod. Inspired by her daughter Ruby’s own transition to a big girl room, it’s filled – quite literally – with sugar and spice and everything

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A Basket of Stories

Raising Bee to have a respect and fascination for cultures other than our own is of utmost importance to me. Our world is small, indeed, and we have much to learn from those that walk this great Earth among us – whether they’re poets hiking aimlessly through the mountains of Austria or, in this case,

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mini links.

Happy Friday, friends! We’ve been hit with the stomach bug this week, so we all plan to cuddle up and rest this weekend. In other words, no plans at all (my favorite kind of weekend!)! Here are a few things that made me smile this week: 1. Cardigan lighting for an old soul’s nursery. 2.

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