12 Books to Change Your Mind

If your home is carried by the spine of a book, if you find yourself up past midnight to devour just one last chapter, if you’ve ever left the party early because there’s a riveting tale tented on your nightstand, you’ll know what it means to encounter joy in 300 pages or less.

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5 Books I Loved This Summer

This summer wasn’t a summer of reading for me. It was a summer of shooing away a toddler from outlets, of teaching a 5-year-old the differences between a redwood and a willow. It was an outside summer, a keep-em-busy summer, a run-em-wild summer, and on most nights, we all fell into bed with dirty feet

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10 Blogs You (Overwhelmingly) Praised

In this questionnaire, so so so many of you asked that I share a list of the sites and blogs everyone else recommended. And so, in the spirit of spreading the love and shedding a spotlight on some well-known friends, here’s an unofficial list for you: 10 blogs you love to love. (Fun fact: I’ve

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Small Step No. 06

There’s an oft-referenced marketing rule that, to encourage impulse purchases in consumers, desirable products should be neatly organized at eye level, preferably as an end cap. Make it eye-catching, make it obvious. Make it impossible to ignore. And this is why I’ve stopped placing my phone on our kitchen counter. It was eye-catching. It was

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Spine Crackin’

You want inspiration. Insight. Advice, wisdom, a lifetime’s worth of perspective, and you want it served in one tidy spot to lap up in five minutes or less, no? You could try meditation. Prayer. Call a mentor, perhaps book an elusive five minutes with your therapist. Or you can sneak into your kid’s bedroom and

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Books To Read, By Mood

For a brief spell last year, I stopped reading books. (It was terrible, as you can imagine.) I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out really. It’s just that I was writing a lot and felt spent, so I wanted to fill up on something really, really good but couldn’t get into anything, not really,

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July Reads

Whether you’re donning sun-screened shoulders at the lake or swapping ice cream sandwiches at the family reunion, there are, like, nine million really good books to read between cannonballs and sparklers. Here are the current favorites I’ve loved so far this summer: 1. Everything You Ever Wanted / Jillian Lauren Hands down, my favorite read

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