a triangle dress.

First of all, Anna and Lauren are two of my favorite girls on the planet. We really need to be IRL friends. Secondly, this is, quite literally, a triangle dress. Sort of. And I want one in salmon, please. Link:  JIGGERY POKERY

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a knitting clock.

Sweet reader Janette sent this story over a few days ago, and holy-mother-of-all-things-knitty. I love. Look like I’m going to need to invest in some knitting needles, eh? Link:  CORE77

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a vase for your finger.

File this under ‘total brilliance.’ Tithi created a set of vases where the “flower” is actually a ring and can be removed to wear. I am in LOVE. Link:  TITHI

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feast your eyes…

I can’t even get halfway through Katharina’s portfolio b/c it’s making me cry. This stuff is really, really good. Tell me how it ends? Link:  KATHARINA TRUDZINSKI

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copper cape.

Do I want a copper and polyester cape? Why, yes! Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. You’re sweet. Link:  TINE DE RUYSSER

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