hotel st. paul.

This one’s for you, Canadians. Tell me, have you ever stayed at this beauty? If so, know that I’m secretly hating you right now. But not really.

Ok but yes.

Anyway, I just realized I’m posting like an art fanatic today, so I thought I’d switch it up with a bit of interior luxe, and of course, I immediately ran to Hotel St. Paul.

Here’s my favorite thing about Hotel St. Paul. Located in Montreal’s vieux quarter, one would assume that beyond the stone and antique doors of this building lies a very classical, romanticized “burgundy and velvet” sort of hotel. You know the kind I’m talking about. Yet with every room, Hotel St. Paul creates a disctinction between the interior and exterior, from an urban chrome lobby to an organic and light guest suite.

Here are just a few of my fave visuals, but visit Design Hotels for a closer look on the Hotel St. Paul.

  • Any idea who makes the white circle lamps? I am liking those a lot.

  • i adore the decor here! thanks for posting so much about it,

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