hybrid home.

I’m a textile Freak-On-Wheels. I prefer to be called a Textile FOW, though, just so you’re aware of the correct terminology.

And the really weird thing is that I NEVER actually use a pillow that I love. I’ve had the same pillow in my bedroom (this one, actually) that I refuse to use or let ANYONE ELSE use. It just sits there, beautifully as a symbol of my Textile FOW-ness.

The problem lies therein the fact that once I’m sick of a pillow, I start to use it. And when I start to use it, I rest my head on it. And when I rest my head on it, I fall asleep. And then I drool. And then there’s a gross drool spot and I can’t display it in my home if there’s a gross drool spot. So I pitch it.

Which is 1/2 awesome and 1/2 detrimental. The awesome part? I can buy something from Hybrid Home that I’ll NEVER get sick of.

The detrimental part? The $70 that I no longer have to spend on a ridiculous amount of burritos at Taco Bell.

Total saga.

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