• man, do i have a weakness for perfume bottles!!! and this one is right up my alley….

  • I love that packaging!!! When I was a young girl I had a hard time using up my “pretty things”. I got some bath oil beads from Santa one year that were so pretty I couldn’t use them. They dried into little raisin-like lumps.

  • OMG Erin— I have the SAME problem! I used to save my chocolate easter rabbits until they would melt in the summer and I’d have to pitch them… :(

    And for the nose-oriented… I have NO idea how it smells. :( But how bad could it be in a beauty like that? ;)

  • I remember back in the day when musk oil (from the street vendors in SOHO) was THE thing to wear. Unfortunately it never smelled as good on me as it did on my friends – maybe I should give it another shot!

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