this week in inspiration: 04.28.08 to 05.02.08

10. A modern-day Margaret. Like Post Secret soaked in a bathtub full of religion.
9. Omagiu presents its Fake Issue.
8. Plenty of Design wants plenty of design.
7. 100 Mile Style: Read it, think about it. Do it.
6. Let your threads do the talking: The Labels Project, via Doors of Perception.
5. Do t-shirts last longer if you know their history? You tell me.
4. Appendage fashion gives new meaning to the adage “charged an arm and a leg.”
3. Re-learn your alphabet— the typography way, via Doodlage.
2. Learn how to grow your business. Literally.
1. Belgium students get fizzy with a world record.

  • It’s hilarious that the Mentos thing turned into a rave party!! Once again, great friday links! Have a fantastic weekend.

  • I like the Q, too, Barbara!

    And Krissy– seriously. I totally thought that was an urban legend!!! :)

  • how do you find this stuff? i totally want that business card. have a lovely weekend!

  • HA— Cindy— it takes hours. ;)

    Have a great weekend to you all, too! THANK YOU!!!

  • very punny, charged an arm and a leg, happy to see that israeli art and design is inspiring others around the world. thanks for the link! ziva

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