thank you, dallas!

I’ve never been in a newspaper. Ever. Except for winning the spelling bee in fifth grade, which was quite overshadowed by my over-hairsprayed peacock bangs on the front page.


A friend from TX just called me to say I was on her front porch this morning and I couldn’t figure out just what she was talking about until she emailed me THIS.

Sure, it’s minute. A tiny few words amidst the masses of black and white. And sure, it’s speaking about a column that I didn’t even write (dear Kylie did). [Note to Dallas: you’re reading the WRONG gal!].

But sure. I can be smiling today knowing that I have a few more friends in Texas.

  • Congratulations Erin – you deserve it! Just don’t forget us when your rich and famous ;)!

  • congratulations! it makes me a little ashamed of my own grousing post yesterday about dallas. maybe i should reconsider, hee hee. dallas does have a fab design scene, and a mention in the dallas morning news is really saying something!

  • There i only one way to go and that, my friend, is up! :)

  • Nice! And ditto about the spelling bee photo. you said you were sick of the other photo that’s popping up everywhere… perhaps some peacock bangs are needed to mix it up a bit. ;)

  • HAHAHAHAH I’ve GOT to find that picture. If I find it, I’ll post it. I promise! :)

    Thanks everyone, and all thanks to Kylie!!! This is a big moment for her as well! :)

  • incredibly clued up girl! haven’t i said this before???
    love love !

  • gosh girl, you’re everywhere! i’m so super excited for you!!! and i agree with james: it’s all uphill from now on! yayyyyy!

    i should start checking blogs in the afternoon now too!

  • Hey, Erin, congratulations to you and Kylie! Reminds me of my moment of fame on blog watch for the Washington Post, of the thousands of articles I’ve written, they chose one from my blog by a GUEST POST! Oh well, I was just honored to know they even looked at my blog. Keeps us humble!

    You go girl!

    Happy weekend,

  • Awww, thank you so much, guys. And Melissa— isn’t that just hilarious? :)

  • Thanks, Erin! Glad that everyone enjoyed this Double Take. It has been one of my favorite sets so far.

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