dear bee // 7.

Dear Bee,

Sweet love, you have turned a corner this week. To be honest, for the past five weeks, I feared you were going to be a complete nightmare baby. When you weren’t sleeping, you were wailing. Wailing! I wish I could write that in all caps, but I don’t want to wake the neighbors.

But this week? Something shifted. Maybe it was our energy, or maybe it was yours. You learned to coo, and my goodness it is the sweetest sound in the world. You’re smiling now, and you seem much less grumpy and far more comfortable in your skin. (I’m praying now that you stay comfortable in your skin, because that will prove to be a very helpful skill when you grow to be a young woman. Trust me.)

I love seeing you transform into a happy baby, Bee. And I know there will be more bad days, but I’m so thrilled to see that you’re having some good ones, too. Here’s to many more!
