The Expectation Dance

So. I’m just going to jump right into this one, deal? I hear a lot of encouragement for today’s women to lower the expectations. We blame Pinterest and glossy inspirational blogs for setting an impossible standard and we preach for “normalcy” – for an everyday status quo that offers attainability for the masses (whatever the

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My First Clothing Collection

Oh my gracious, friends. Last week, I typed this actual sentence in an e-mail to a group of girlfriends: “I am wearing the pants I co-designed and a photographer from the New York Times will be here in three minutes(!!!).” Is that not the craziest thing you’ve read? A far cry from my usual messages,

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Fall Fest

Fall’s my favorite season, with its changing colors and crisp air and first savory stockpot of Cincinnati chili. If seasons were a family, fall would be the mother shooing in her children to come inside before it gets dark – dinner’s ready, and don’t forget your jacket! It’s a season where we celebrate intentional change

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How To Write

1. Get down all of your thoughts, as fast as you can. Write in all caps if you have to. Punctuate! Underline. Scribble it on the coffee receipt, the bank statement. Get it down, in as much detail as time allots. Save it. Keep it. 2. Find it a few days later, in the bottom

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Slow & Steady

When The New York Times calls you to ask your opinion about blogging, you answer. You fight the sweaty palms, fearful that you’ll say the wrong thing or your words might be minced or your good intentions to be honest and truthful and mindful might be misconstrued. And then, you state your peace. I stated

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My #Whole30 Thoughts

First things first: 2014 was the year I learned a million things about myself, but one of the most important was my inability to live a calm, peaceful and encouraging existence while fueling my body with junk food. (I know – obvious statement of the decade, but I’m a slow learner.) Although I’ve never been

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Any time I give a talk on blogging, e-mail management or online strategy, I always recommend that a blogger fields reader comments/emails to a FAQ page, rather than answering the same general inquiries every time. And then, I always laugh, because this was on my own to do list yearrrrrs ago and just, life. You

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Just popping in to share a few darling Halloween costumes for next month. Bee’s going to be an astronaut (thanks for the hand-me-down, Charlie!), but if you’re in the market, there are some super cute options this year!:

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