
This morning, I fell hard (again) for Kron by Kronkron’s latest collection. I also fell hard after I tripped over a pair of boots, but that’s a different post entirely. Also, fun fact: Kronkron is the brainchild of a fashion designer from Paris and – get this – a hairstylist! Proof that creativity knows no limits.

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bookmark it.

Happy Friday, friends! Ken and I are headed to our first grown-up party in a loooong time tonight (I can’t wait to don something inappropriately fancy!) – here’s hoping you guys have some festive plans your way: 1. Stunning lace-inspired jewelry. 2. Triangle wall decals = perfection (congrats, Kirsten!). 3. These bookcases are super silly

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mini links.

Happy Friday, guys! Ken and I are headed to a soiree tonight and I’m feeling super socially rusty – we haven’t been around many grown-ups lately! (I’m secretly crazy excited to wear something non nursing-friendly! Eek!) Hope you have something festive planned where you are, and here are some fun links to take you through

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lucy mcrae.

There is nothing not cool about this portfolio. It’s so rad, in fact, that I’m bringing out my stash of double negatives. Go forth. LINK: LUCY MCRAE

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concrete vases.

Sergey Makhno made these concrete vases for me because he knows I love triangles. Wasn’t that sweet? They’re called Erin’s Vases. I’m lying about all of that. But come ON. Gorgeous. LINK: THE INVARIANTS  via design milk  

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neon elves.

It’s November (craziness!), which means my husband is officially allowed to talk about Christmas. I know, I know. And for some reason, I don’t mind his premature holiday spirit this year. Perhaps it’s because we feel more like a family unit with baby Bee and can start making our own traditions? Or maybe it’s these

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arty fashion.

Arty fashion is a hoppin’ trend right now, and I’m way glad to be a proud ticketholder aboard that train. Such a gorgeous resort collection from Tess Giberson, yes? LINK: TESS GIBERSON

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cissy wears.

If I could choose one collection to dress Bee in all winter long, it would be this one. (OK, and maybe Bobo Choses. Always and forever.) Perfectly mixed with patterns galore, I’m swooning big time. Favorite piece? Fox tee for President! LINK: CISSY WEARS

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