My Favorite Pregnancy Gifts

One of my good friends just gave birth last week, and OMG I nearly had a panic attack on her behalf. It seems most mothers I know stand planted in two single-file lines: those who love the fresh scent of newborn babies and find them endlessly intoxicating, and the mothers who have panic attacks on

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Sundae Best

I haven’t shared product round-ups or design finds in what feels like years, but I had to take pause and celebrate my dear e-friend Joy‘s newest collection for Land of Nod. Inspired by her daughter Ruby’s own transition to a big girl room, it’s filled – quite literally – with sugar and spice and everything

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Flash Baby Gift!

I’m always on the hunt for quirky baby gifts that area (1) easy to personalize, and (2) easy to mail. With so many friends and colleagues spread throughout the states, it’s important to me to celebrate the milestones with a sweet snail mail surprise. So of course, I was crazy thrilled to find these darling

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I have a love/hate relationship with confetti. Sure, it’s beautiful in the moment – a dazzling display of color and whimsy – but then there’s clean-up. And more clean-up. And still more clean-up, months later when you find bits of hued paper remnants stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Enter Throw & Grow confetti,

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The Cat’s Meow

I never tire of a mom-inventor story; a tale of an everyday woman navigating the frenzied world of motherhood when – suddenly – a spark of creativity inspires her to better her surroundings. There’s Michaela. And Tina. And Ayelet and Tiffany and Maiken. And today, I’m adding to the ever-inspiring list with an introduction to Inna

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Shoppable: Museum Gift Shops

Museum gift shops are kind of my best-kept secret for discovering new and unique (unewque?) kids’ gifts. From books to games to educational toys, the variety can’t be beat when shopping for all ages. (Also of note? Membership discounts!) And although I don’t have a museum we frequent here in the Midwest, I often take

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A Passionate Core

I recently shared the creative journey of Bryony Shearmur – a musician-turned-photographer-turned-author-turned-designer (are you as exhausted by that title as I?), and she mentioned something that has reverberated in my ears ever since – the idea of a creative ecosystem.  The realization that our creative lives and passions and dream jobs are the sum of

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A Basket of Stories

Raising Bee to have a respect and fascination for cultures other than our own is of utmost importance to me. Our world is small, indeed, and we have much to learn from those that walk this great Earth among us – whether they’re poets hiking aimlessly through the mountains of Austria or, in this case,

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