Tees For Kids (Really)

After landing on the idea of reinventing the T-shirt – a classic staple for every wardrobe – the pair began researching extensively and walking the streets of east London’s “tackiest wholesale kids stores” to find the right mix of comfort, utility and design. Charlotte writes, “I found a pack of blank white t-shirts in the back of the shop that looked about 20 years old.” So they hand-dyed and printed the t-shirts with the word LOVE in various colour ways. And thus, Dandy Star was born – out of, quite literally, love.

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Play On

By far, the biggest surprise for me when it comes to dressing Bee has been just how difficult it is to find basics. Solid colors, neutral shapes, classic combos – it’s a seemingly uphill battle, and I’ve certainly been known to cut off a few extra lacy bows here and there. So I was thrilled

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A Leg Up

Art director Kate Law noticed a pretty significant gap in the market for boys: leggings that weren’t overtly girly. “My boys used to attend a circus school at weekends and I would send them in crazy coloured and garish patterned leggings – normally reserved for girls – when they were young enough not to argue!” And although the boys didn’t mind, Kate did. “I wanted an accessible and universal unisex staple brand with an edge that didn’t patronise children’s taste,” she writes.

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Kidspiration: Blue Skies

Last weekend, Bee and I enjoyed a perfect mom+daughter date. There was sunshine and swimming and lemonade, stroller naps and bananas and jazz bands. It was just… perfect. Sure, there were meltdowns from bouts of boredom (Bee) and impatience (me). But the day inspired us to get outside more often and enjoy these lazy summer days as much as we can. Because before we know it, this season will have passed us by. (And I’m not talking about summer, am I right?)

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Birthday Suits

We just sent out our invitations for Bee’s first birthday next month (what?!), so I’ve got celebrations on the brain. We’re big fans of low-key parties around here and are planning an ordinary cookout full of backyard games and watermelon and family jokes. And speaking of birthdays, how darling are these yearly tees for tots?

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A Gift For The Heroes

My nephew is in the midst of a hardcore, no-holds-barred superhero phase, and what self-respecting aunt could possibly turn down the opportunity to assist him in saving the world? And even though I don’t intend to throw a punch or perfect my roundhouse kick, I can at least dress him for the job, right?

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The Cat’s Meow

I never tire of a mom-inventor story; a tale of an everyday woman navigating the frenzied world of motherhood when – suddenly – a spark of creativity inspires her to better her surroundings. There’s Michaela. And Tina. And Ayelet and Tiffany and Maiken. And today, I’m adding to the ever-inspiring list with an introduction to Inna

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