Small Step No. 07

I love grocery shopping. It’s always been my favorite place to shop (perhaps because it’s the only place I shop?). Forget Target; just point me to the nearest grocery store and set me free for an hour or two. Heaven. And while I’m fairly rigid with ingredient lists, I’ve found I’m all-too-often thwarted by healthy

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Small Step No. 06

There’s an oft-referenced marketing rule that, to encourage impulse purchases in consumers, desirable products should be neatly organized at eye level, preferably as an end cap. Make it eye-catching, make it obvious. Make it impossible to ignore. And this is why I’ve stopped placing my phone on our kitchen counter. It was eye-catching. It was

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A Capsule Chat

Update: I’m on my friend Tsh’s podcast again today offering my perspective on capsule wardrobes! You’ll hear why I’m no longer a purist about minimalism, and a few tips/tricks we rely on when dressing ourselves (a topic that, admittedly, I could rattle on about for hours.) Have a listen if you’d like!

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Small Step No. 04

I won’t even pretend that this tiny shift holds any real purpose other than a quick stroll through vanity park, and yet, a small step it is… My friend Beverly boasts the most plump, hydrated lips around. I realize that’s an odd thing to publicly laud, and yet, if you’d see her, you’d ask the

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Small Step No. 02

We have a running joke in these parts that Ken, ever the health conscious one, will ask one question and one question alone to everything that ails you: How much water have you had today? Headache? How much water have you had today? Foul mood? How much water have you had today? Broken toe? How

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Small Step No. 01

I do not consider myself to be a leader by nature, nor a follower. Perhaps I identify most with the term “observer,” far preferring to sit at the proverbial corner bistro table and watch the world unfold as it does with little interference from me. If you asked, I’d tell you I’m an empath. I

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For Me

One of the greatest shifts in my marriage, possibly in my adulthood as a whole, has also been one of the smallest shifts. It has slipped by unnoticed in the mundane tasks of laundry cycles and dish duty, a simple phrase that has ever so slightly changed the energy in our home: I’m doing this

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Spine Crackin’

You want inspiration. Insight. Advice, wisdom, a lifetime’s worth of perspective, and you want it served in one tidy spot to lap up in five minutes or less, no? You could try meditation. Prayer. Call a mentor, perhaps book an elusive five minutes with your therapist. Or you can sneak into your kid’s bedroom and

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