#26: in progress.

[image credit: casie towsley] Deep breath; this one’s a vanity post. One of my original Life List goals was to hire a personal stylist for the day. And I’ve thought it over and, for some reason, the idea of spending money for someone to tell me what to wear totally slayed me. I think it’s

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#9? check.

Wow. This was a fun item to check off my life list, because come on. It involves eating. I’ve loved to eat for as long as I can remember, and my fave combination? Salty + sweet. Isn’t that everyone’s fave combo? Anyway, I’ve never tried sea salt chocolate because I’m far from a connoisseur and

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life list update: september 2010.

It’s high time for an update, yes? I’ve been jet-setting all over the country (I miss you already, NYC), so haven’t had much time to cross off some major items, but I have indeed made a bit of progress on a few. One item that has been weighing heavily on my mind is #37. Finish

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#20 and #24? Check.

I jetted off to Los Angeles last week for some much-desired R+R and found myself staying in a friend’s cabin in Big Bear. Of course, I had planned to unplug for the week (which is #6 on my list, but decided against it when I spotted Wi-Fi in the mountains. I’m a total sucker for

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#42? Check.

I visited NYC this past weekend (and fell in love, but that’s for another post entirely) and had no idea I’d be crossing #42 off my list so soon: 42. Get missed connection-ed on Craig’s List. Here’s the proof: (It says: You were walking with a friend. Thanks for asking if I was alright. Pretty

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my life list.

Rarely do I get personal on this blog. Rarely. Because, well? I get personal everywhere else. Sometimes too personal, but I digress into a new topic that I think you’ll like better: Behold, the Life List of Erin Loechner: Inspired by the sweet (and seriously, seriously smart) Maggie, I promised myself (and her, during Alt

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