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1. Lucy introduced me to Goldenink and I’m 100% enamored. Porcelain jewelry is lovely indeed. 2. Oh, Dieppa Restrepo. Your styling kills me in a nice way. [via designlovefest] 3. Love these photos announcing Rodarte for Opening Ceremony. 4. Happy Febru-hairy! 5. This secret necklace is beyond mesmerizing. [thanks, chris!] 6. Jewelry as art always

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1. Free-hand silk screen? Did not know that even existed! 2. Pendleton: The Portland Collection is here (and awesome). You heard it here first. OK, second. 3. Alison loves hair jewelry almost as much as I do. Almost. 4. A simple, though-provoking post about turning straw into gold. 5. My favorite thing in the world

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weekend mash-up.

With the gorgeous weather upon us, I’ll be gallivanting about this weekend. It’s the official season of thrifting for me, so I may hit up my local shoppes for a vintage tech tray, or perhaps a cool console to transform. And just in case my allergies act up around all that dust, I’ve got Mrs

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weekend mash-up.

This week was quite the doozy, yes? It’s rainy and dreary here, which is the perfect time to snuggle up to a few yummy links, right? Yes. I agree. For starters, Google before you Tweet is funny, and sort of true, but eh. Don’t take Tweets too seriously and you’ll be fine. Although I suppose

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weekend mash.

I feel like doing something a bit different here today, and since this is my blog, I’m gonna. How about I take you through a few of my favorite bookmarks that I’ve spotted over the week and simply haven’t had time to share with you? Deal? Good. Well, I should probably start by saying I’m

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