
Bee. Last week, you played with Barnacles, Peso, Shellington, Kwazii, Dashy and Trick (whom I am mispronouncing, you tell me). They are your friends in Ecuador, and they are found in the treetops, but sometimes they move to the fish pond and you must call them each, one by one, until they float to the

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Mixed Tape Memories

If you’re ever in the market for a good, melancholy meltdown, turn on a mixed tape from high school. Let the voices of Destiny’s Child or Creed or Matchbox Twenty wash over you and remember it all. Avoid the urge to judge your taste in music; you were young. You were unedited. Understand that everyone

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Messes & Magic

I found a remnant of blue Play-Doh on my shirt yesterday, and I cannot remember the last time Bee and I played with Play-Doh, and certainly not the blue color. We haven’t had the blue color in tact for quite awhile – months? – because after a long summer, there is no color distinction. It’s

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When She Moves Away

When your friend tells you the news that she’s moving to San Francisco over a casual take-out night, you wince a little. The corners of your smile twitch upward because you want to smile, but your gut is pulling down, down – deep into the pit of your belly. So your face pulls like a

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A Belabumbum Saturday

It’s a running joke that bloggers rarely change out of their pajamas, and in my case – on the weekends at least – it’s only partly true. Because I do change out of my pajamas, but often into a different set of pajamas, so really I’m kind of reinforcing the preconceived notion times two, yes?

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On Schedules And Spontaneity

I always love hearing about how mothers spend their days with their littles – are they homebodies, like Bee and me? Or do they explore, seek and play outdoors – always ready for a new adventure? I was recently asked to share my day on So, How Was Your Day? – a brilliant peek into

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thank you.

I can’t thank you all enough for your sweet notes, cards, emails and flowers this week. Gosh, you are all so nice. I’m writing this as I head to the funeral, which will be hard, but comforting. We can get through this, and we will get through this. Above is a photo of Papa Bill

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blogger mash-up: let the fun begin…

Today’s a super fun, special sort of day here at Design for Mankind, as my dear friend Vic is asking me to spear-head a special project she came up with (brilliantly, I might add). The deets? Well, I’ll let her explain, as it’s time for me to get to work! I was asked to come

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