I married Ken for his heart and his mind, sure, but a close third was his chili recipe. For chili or for worse, I say, and listen, it is just not every day a guy wrecks the kitchen to make 85 quarts of chili and then cleans up after himself. Who is this man? Where
Food + Drink
A Smoothie
I don’t believe in twisting yourself into knots of excuses and explanations over the food you make. Julia Child said this. A recipe, then. It’s an easy one, and a nutritious one, and it requires five minutes and a blender. No knots, no excuses, no explanations. I like to dress it up when I make
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Food + Drink
10 Minute Pickles
You know me. I cannot just share a recipe and leave it at that. Because these pickles, you should know, are incredible, yes. But what is even more so incredible is that, on a Friday afternoon, I became a new version of myself: I became one who pickles. I am officially a pickler! What? I
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Food + Drink
My New Favorite Salad
Sometimes, when you find yourself in San Francisco, you take a cooking class. You saddle up to a countertop with gals who have never cooked, who only cook on weekends, who cook for therapy, who cook for fun. And you all dig your hands into an oversized metal bowl and alas, something is shared. Our
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Food + Drink
Candied Pecans on Sunday
This weekend, pecans. Candied and sticky, one batch then two and finally three. The recipe was unearthed in a paleo cookbook months ago and I have, in many batches since, perfected them to the point of imperfection. I do this often, discovering an ideal recipe but in a mixture of laziness or self-expression or sheer