
  We’re not mega gift-givers in our home, often preferring to opt for adventures or time together rather than wrapped sentiments. But, I do so enjoy finding and choosing the perfect thoughtful trinkets for my family – small gestures of my appreciation for the love and warmth they share with me daily. Here’s a sneak

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A Custom Christmas (Pt. 1)

I get it now, I do – this crazy Christmas hype. When I was a kid, Christmas was everything. It was snowflakes and carols, curled ribbons and gooey buckeyes. And then – somewhere along the way – I lost the spark. I fell victim to every plot in every holiday movie: Grown-up grows weary of

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The reunion had been planned for what, six months? A weekend away in Chicago, just our tiny group of women and the many hats we pack in our suitcases: chefs and mothers and designers and musicians. And it sounded perfect. Until it didn’t sound perfect, and the days grew closer and the nights grew longer.

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There isn’t a word for the unique brew of abundant scarcity. I feel it always, nearly every day – this wave of everything and nothing at the same time. This perceived abundance of time and moments with the very knowledge that it is passing, right now, this very moment. That the sun outside is sinking

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Why So New?

So, surprise! The site’s wearing new clothes, and although I know most of you view this through a feed reader like Feedly or Bloglovin‘ or perhaps an email subscription (each option is still available!), I thought I’d take a second to share with you the impetus for this re-design. The term “lifestyle blogger” has always

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Mixed Tape Memories

If you’re ever in the market for a good, melancholy meltdown, turn on a mixed tape from high school. Let the voices of Destiny’s Child or Creed or Matchbox Twenty wash over you and remember it all. Avoid the urge to judge your taste in music; you were young. You were unedited. Understand that everyone

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Freelance Parenting

I received a few emails that this post really resonated with you (I love hearing how many of you are freelance parents much like us!) and a lot of you asked for a more practical list of how Ken and I “juggle” our roles, both separately and together. While we’re constantly in flux and can never truly

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Update: Curious about homeschooling? You can follow along our own homeschool journey right this way! I’ve been slowly wrapping my head around our education strategy for Bee, and as of right now, we’re leaning heavily toward homeschooling. We happen to live in a really vibrant homeschooling community with co-ops and clubs and newsletters that provide

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