
I have a love/hate relationship with confetti. Sure, it’s beautiful in the moment – a dazzling display of color and whimsy – but then there’s clean-up. And more clean-up. And still more clean-up, months later when you find bits of hued paper remnants stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Enter Throw & Grow confetti,

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Beliefs & Imagination

Of the many creative disciplines that exist, the conceptual fashion designer is perhaps one that intrigues me most. After all, many are gifted, skilled creatives who could easily climb the ranks from intern to assistant to in-house designer and beyond. Yet instead, the conceptual fashion designer believes that a fashion collection is an art form

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A Gift For The Heroes

My nephew is in the midst of a hardcore, no-holds-barred superhero phase, and what self-respecting aunt could possibly turn down the opportunity to assist him in saving the world? And even though I don’t intend to throw a punch or perfect my roundhouse kick, I can at least dress him for the job, right?

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On Body Image And Self Worth

When Caitlin Mociun, cult-hit fashion designer, left the world of dress forms and measuring tape to focus on an accessories line, she said something that made me pause: “I never really liked doing my clothing line, and when I switched to jewelry it was such a different response. It seemed to make people feel good

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A Refashioned Purpose

I may be partial, but man, Midwest kids don’t get the credit they deserve, do they? Time and again, I’m amazed at the creativity that exists between the much-praised coasts, scattered among cornfields and cityscapes and cottages. We’re scrappy and resourceful, continually pushing the boundaries like the middle kid seeking a hint of the spotlight.

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The Inspired Generation

I’m a family-first kind of girl. Friends are great, yes, but families are unique forces in their own right – kneaded with memories and experience and perspective. And I often think of the legacy my own family will leave – is leaving. The knowledge shared from great-grandmother to grandmother to mother to daughter and beyond.

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The Cat’s Meow

I never tire of a mom-inventor story; a tale of an everyday woman navigating the frenzied world of motherhood when – suddenly – a spark of creativity inspires her to better her surroundings. There’s Michaela. And Tina. And Ayelet and Tiffany and Maiken. And today, I’m adding to the ever-inspiring list with an introduction to Inna

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The Tangible Creatives

It seems fitting today that I’d planned to share Artifact Uprising, a Colorado-based photo book company inspired by “the disappearing beauty of the tangible” – especially poignant given the recent destruction of all things tangible in Oklahoma’s tornado tragedy yesterday. Their story is one that reverberates the exploring and shifting and re-building of dreams; one

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