On (Not) Potty-Training

OK, potty-training. I’m doing it wrong, for sure. Because here’s how potty-training was explained to me: “It’s totally no big deal. You just hunker down for three days, OK? Do it in the summer so your kid doesn’t need to wear any pants, then set the timer for every ten minutes. Give them a Skittle

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happy holidays, you.

Guys. 2012 was big, wasn’t it? I don’t know if it’s because I feel like I’ve set sail from the rough waters of newborndom into adorable babyhood or if I’m finally learning to embrace years passed, but I’m super, super thrilled for 2013. It can only go up from here, yes? I’ll be taking some

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my luvocracy.

I’m still en route to Seattle, but I thought I’d pop in to see if you friends are a member of Luvocracy yet? Yes, it’s yet another social platform to keep up with (I’m drowning, too!), but this time there’s a bit of a perk involved…

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Popping in to share four faces I’m grateful for this year: 1. Ken, who always remembers to take out the trash, never turns down a hug and refuses to sleep before midnight. 2. Bernie, who craves baked beans, dreams of Bee’s toys and always smells like Fritos. 3. Bee, who shares with Bernie, hiccups daily

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mom chat // are you jealous of your partner?

Bee has a super strong bond with my husband, which is so incredible to watch. Except sometimes, I feel a tiny bit jealous inside. (Bee’s first smile was directed at Ken, which simultaneously melted my heart and sent a ping of sadness to my head!) Suddenly, I find my mind reeling with all of the things she’ll

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mom chat // why did you decide to have kids?

Last week, I had an exciting email exchange with a friend that’s thinking of starting a family with her husband, and I kept thinking how I was at that very stage just over a year ago (my goodness how the tides have turned!). She asked how I knew that I was ready, and I thought

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happy hallobeen!

Just popping in to say I’m taking the day off to play with our little parrot. Hope you’re having a fun-filled Halloween wherever you are! Tell me, what are your littles dressing up as? p.s. Bee’s costume is from Thumbelina – isn’t it hilarious? She loves it so much!

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magic age?

So, it’s no secret that newborn babies are polarizing – you either love the stage or you hate it. And I, friends, am of the “I sort of hate it” camp (is that horrible to admit?*). Here’s the thing:

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