#16? check.

I wanted to pop in and tell you how fulfilling and rewarding this month has been, thanks to a certain life list item I’ve been focusing on (with Jack Cards* — thanks again, guys!): After sending out twenty thank you notes to my favorite former teachers, I honestly thought there would be radio silence for

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life list update: #16 (almost done!).

I’m still busy crossing off this super important item off my life list (thanks to Jack Cards!*), and wanted to give you guys an opportunity to do the same. A few of you have emailed asking me how exactly Jack Cards works, so I thought I’d give you a quick rundown: 1. Sign up for

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more cliches.

1. Brownie points. The phrase “brownie points” indeed did derive from The Brownies. So essentially, we should be capitalizing the “B” in brownie, but eh, let’s live a little. 2. Caught between a rock and a hard place. In 1917 in the town of Bisbee, Arizona, a labor union of mineworkers approached management with a

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life list update!

I’m still sending out daily cards to all of my former teachers (thank you, Jack Cards!), but in the mean time, I wanted to point you to an article I found useful: How to Write a Thank You Note. A few tips I’d like to add?: 1. Carry small stationery in your purse/bag/car. You never

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life list update.

I forgot to write down my cliche meanings yesterday, but I’m making up for it with a new project. Because #16? Check, check and check: My friends at Jack Cards contacted me over the holidays to ask if I wanted to participate in a 30 Day Gratitude project. And you know what? It’s always a

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dance party, dance party.

One of my goals for 2011 is to dance party daily, and so far, I’m doing a slammin’ job. In fact, I’m posting a month’s worth of daily dance parties for January right here on Ground Rules (a fun project from Lisa Warninger). Care to join me? The world needs more dancin’.

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life list update.

It’s life list update time, which you’ll be receiving on Mondays from now on. Which means I’ve got to do some serious living during the week so you have something to read, yes? Yes. First of all, remember this post? 5 cliches down, 95 to go. Here are five more to make Monday a Funday!:

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#2? #14? #25? #59? check! check! check! check!

You guys, I am on fire with my life list. Serious fire. Blow me out. No, don’t, because I like it hot. That wasn’t supposed to sound quite the way that it sounded. Anyway, I’ve been life listing this week, and you will be so proud of what I accomplished: I have no photographic evidence

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