Time Capsules

We’re home! We’re home! I’ll be chatting about bits and pieces from our Singapore trip (you can see a slew of photos here!), but for now, I wanted to pop in and share this adorable time capsule from a new friend I made on my travels!:

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We leave Singapore super early tomorrow morning and I’m already in a bit of mourning. I’ll be popping in later this week to share more, but for now, enjoy a few Instagram photos from our trek thus far…

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Follow: Mer Mag

Merrilee Liddiard authors Mer Mag, a playful, craft-based blog I frequent for DIY/craft ideas I never actually attempt to create. Still, she lights up a certain part of my brain – the one that believes in creating an environment for Bee that is conducive to play and imagination and memory-making. My childhood was littered with

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Follow: Kelle Hampton

While I’m in Singapore this month, I’ve been sharing a few favorite blog recommendations I have over here – blogs that make me think and smile and – as in today’s case – cry. Kelle Hampton is an unapologetic mother – she is beautifully honest about her trials and struggles, with an unending emphasis on

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Follow: Local Milk

Of all the things I love in life, food and stories are at the very tip-top of my list. And in Local Milk, Beth Kirby pairs both like the finest of homespun pb&j sandwiches. She writes, “There are messes that abide for weeks, screaming matches, missed deadlines, and ill starred decisions. And there is fresh

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Follow: This Is 50

I’m a firm believer in role models – women who are paving the way for the others, those whom are 3, 5… sometimes 7 steps ahead in their journey through life. For that reason, the perspective and wisdom and advice they hold close (and willingly share) are some of my most treasured gifts. And although

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Follow: Joyce Croonen

While I’m off teaching in Singapore for the rest of the month, I thought it might be fun to share a few blogs I love, for a variety of reasons. I’ll be popping in on Instagram non-stop I’m sure, but until I’m back, enjoy a few recommendations from yours truly!:

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All Packed!

Our tiny family trio leaves for Singapore on Monday, so we’ve been preoccupied packing and re-packing and stuffing extra stickers into various pockets and compartments (you can never have enough stickers when you’re staring in the face of 28 hours of flying with a toddler, am I right?). I thought it might be fun to

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