I’ve been dropping the ball at work a bit lately, sending emails riddled with typos, missing self-imposed deadlines, feeling all sorts of stress and frenzy and anxiety. It’s a big season of growth and change for me, managing a women’s lifestyle site with a gifted staff and important mission (and shoestring budget!). I’ve always believed
Photos & Pearls
These photos of Bee are some of my most treasured because they’re real and true and so… everyday. We pad around in our pajamas as long as we can around here, rubbing the sleep from our eyes until 10am when it’s time to get up and get moving and tackle a day’s adventures. But our
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Last weekend, I took Bee on a road trip down south to visit my parents. The winding roads were therapeutic for me, conjuring up old memories of childhood summers, teenage falls, grown-up winters. My parents have lived in the same home for all of my life, nestled in a quiet neighborhood in the small town
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apparel & accessories
Fine Little Clothing
My sweet e-friend Elisabeth is the powerhouse creative behind Fine Little Day (remember these Bu! Blankets?) and last week, she launched a new clothing collection. Fun, comfortable and eco-friendly, her designs range for babies and children through age 10 (and a few beyond!). Also? They’re darling.
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Travel + Adventure
Life Lessons
I know, I know. I’m still processing my trip to Ethiopia – two months later. I’ve always been a late bloomer, and sometimes it just takes me a bit of time to think and learn and realize the truths that exist around me. And there are so many truths to be realized. Here are a
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A Virtual Baby Shower
I love the idea of throwing a virtual baby shower for expectant mamas. The Internet just has this way of allowing us to foster deep connections within any zip code range, and really, what better way to celebrate those relationships than welcoming their kin? Anyway, my beautiful e-friend Katie (and founder of Puj!) is expecting
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On Over-Thinking
One of my favorite parts of this interview with photographer Isabelle Wenzel was the realization that, as a young girl, she’d trained to be a professional acrobat. Even more surprising, of course, were the incredible bits of life wisdom she found nestled into her practice. And although she shared some amazing insights, one in particular
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Rainbow Pencils
How cute are these rainbow pencils designed by Tokyo artist Duncan Shotton? Last month, he launched a successful Kickstarter project to fund the production, so these recycled paper cuties will be available soon enough!