
I’ve been patiently waiting to announce my latest product design with one of my favorite Dutch brands, but first things first – if you haven’t yet transformed your kids’ closet into a reading corner, make thee a Target run. A few body pillows, a small rug, panel curtains, a tension rod (that moonlights as a

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Time Capsules

We’re home! We’re home! I’ll be chatting about bits and pieces from our Singapore trip (you can see a slew of photos here!), but for now, I wanted to pop in and share this adorable time capsule from a new friend I made on my travels!:

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We leave Singapore super early tomorrow morning and I’m already in a bit of mourning. I’ll be popping in later this week to share more, but for now, enjoy a few Instagram photos from our trek thus far…

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All Packed!

Our tiny family trio leaves for Singapore on Monday, so we’ve been preoccupied packing and re-packing and stuffing extra stickers into various pockets and compartments (you can never have enough stickers when you’re staring in the face of 28 hours of flying with a toddler, am I right?). I thought it might be fun to

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In 2011, I traveled the country to teach a series of workshops on creativity and self-expression and how important it is to design the life you want to live, rather than to wish you’d started designing it years prior. It felt easy and natural and I was lucky to share what I’d learned from a

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